Holy Moly Ole!  Status Reign had officaly dropped is solo debut "Brutally Honest"  In support of it he is going on tour with Analyrical!!
I'm sure there will be plenty of stories to tell and fun times to be had.  Meanwhile, I'm just hanging out in the basement.  I'm debating on doing an entire album in a blues/rock feel - maybe it will come out next Neveruary. 
I've been watching Daria on Hulu.  I forgot how hilarious that show was!!  Everyone knew someone like Trent in High School.  Sootable Roots (my high school band) recorded our first album with a guy that is an EXACT copy of Trent (Jane's older brother from the show).  His name was Fletcher - I used to be friends with him on Facebook... I wonder what he is up to now?  Last I knew he was making tunes with my buddy Danny.  Danny has a band now - he lives in LA - His band is called The LA Font - his music is superdopefreshawesome.  Their album is available HERE.
And on THAT note...  LOOK AT PHAUST!!!!

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