I'm not sure about you but this is a scary time right now.  My Facebook news feed is just constantly flooded with quotes, videos, blogs, images and who-ha from various political viewpoints and topics.  I understand that people like to share and people want to be heard.  But some of my 'friends list' have some very interesting ideas and viewpoints, many of which I'm not completely sure they fully understand what they are expressing or debating. 

Politics are a mess - period.  You can't talk about anything political without inducing arguments and fist fights.  One breath from an opposing party member is a hurricane.  People don't debate politics, they yell about it to a deaf ear.  The core issue lies in this: I believe that most people want exactly the same thing I want.  Happiness, financial stability, a place to call my own, and a safe living environment.  We often get tricked and mislead about things that don't effect this core idea. 

We must remember that politics are not a straight line, whenever we point a finger of blame at a person we are also pointing it at the complicated web of interactions and decisions that have lead up to the current situation.  No party is 'at fault' - the entire government is at fault.  We are at fault.