"One Time" is from Tales of the Troubadours - It was one of the last songs that we created. This albums went through quite a few changes - Originally we were going to release 12 tracks as an album and 5 different songs as an EP before the album. The EP was a partial 'concept' idea, "Pull Me" was the fist part of this batch with another song "Push Me" at the polar end of the EP. "One Time" was going to be stuck in the middle. This song was written in a completely different way then the rest of the album - this beat was fleshed out almost in it's entirety before Colin even heard it. I had the urge to add banjo along with organ to the instrumental but opted to leave it out because it felt cluttered.
Colin wrote all the words without my input - there is only one other song on the album that came together like this: "Running Away" (THIS song however was created in a very abstract way itself). This is interesting because the entire album is a mash-up of my musical thoughts and lyrics with Colin's lyrics and themes. Colin would set the tone for the lyrics and I would match to him and we would re-asses and revisit segments. This song allowed him to freely roam through the instrumental without me poking my ideas into it.   
I'd also like to point out this song contains Analyrical's 2nd singing part - I didn't help him or dub his sung parts. I like to think that this song still fits between "Pull Me" and "Push Me" - my bridge lyrics speak to the idea that no matter where you are or what you are doing, you are either being pulled to something or (conversely) pushing someone towards something. People play both roles simultaneously and continuously.    

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